Recently, the UK Home Office released details of a revised plan for the salary requirement for family visas. Full details of transitional provisions will be set out soon however it is intended that these measures will be implemented as follows:
- Spring 2024: the threshold will be raised to £29,000.
- Potentially later in 2024: a further increase to around £34,500.
- Early 2025: a third increase to around £38,700.
What does the revised minimum £29,000 income requirement mean for families?
There are several considerations to consider regarding this change to the minimum income, depending on your personal circumstances.
• If you currently have a Family Visa (a Spouse Visa, a Civil Partner visa, or an Unmarried Partner visa) on the five-year partner route and you plan to extend your stay or settle in the UK, your application will be assessed against the £18,600 income requirement and you will not be required to meet the increased threshold of £29,000. Additionally, this will be the case for any children seeking to join or accompany you as their parent.
• Furthermore, if you’re planning to apply for a Family Visa (a Spouse Visa, a Civil Partner visa, or an Unmarried Partner Visa), on the five-year partner route before the minimum income threshold is raised from £18,600, your application will be assessed against the current £18,600 income requirement and therefore, you will not be required to meet the £29,000 threshold.
• If you are granted a fiancé visa before the minimum income threshold is raised, then when you apply for a Family Visa on the five-year partner route, your application will also be assessed against the current income requirement of £18,600 and you will not be required to meet the increased threshold of £29,000.
• However, if you do not already have a Family Visa on the five-year partner route and you intend to apply after the minimum income requirement has been increased in Spring 2024, you will be subject to the new £29,000 minimum income requirement.
• Likewise, if you are already in the UK on a different route and you wish to apply to switch into the five-year partner route after the minimum income requirement has been increased in Spring 2024, you will be subject to the new minimum income requirement of £29,000.
What does the future look like for the UK Family Visa?
Please note, that the UK government is not entirely certain with its plan to eventually introduce a £38,700 threshold for family visas. Despite the minimum income threshold increasing to £29,000 as part of a staged increase, the plan for this figure to increase to £38,700 in early 2025 is still open to change. It is assumed that with the next general election being held in January 2025, it will be decided whether this proposed increase to £38,700 comes into full effect.
How can our team assist you?
If you are concerned about the proposed changes and what they may mean for your visa application, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our reliable and friendly team today for expert advice and guidance.